Tang wen ching is an illustrator based in Taiwan. Working with graphicness line and reduced colour , wenching creates elegant and minimal illustrations that add a sense of personality.


With a fine art background, Wen ching works primarily by digital but also enjoy hand drawing using fine line pen and brush pen. Her illustration often combine whimsical line with soft color block.

After graduated from Fine Art in NTNU, wenching continued to study illustration at the University of Brighton Sequential Design MA and traveled around Europe during the time to discover different culture. Inspired by the surrounding, her works include various subject from lifestyle to culture. With an eager to explore and an eye for details, she hopes to share another perspective of life through the illustration.

Wenching creates work with clean and delicate style to a wide range of commissions and clients, spanning branding, editorial, corporate and publishing. Works have been featured in magazine Lonely Planet, Dpi magazine. Clients include World of Interior, Royal Academy of Dance, Starbucks, La Vie and Unitas, Fine Acts and a collaborated work shop with Christian Louboutin.

來自台北的插畫創作者 Tang wen ching,擅長運用流動的線條和溫潤顏色的色塊去構成優雅而簡單的插畫作品。畢業於 University of Brighton Sequential Design/Illustration MA,對於不同的文化感興趣,善於觀察並運用插畫紀錄日常,去發現那些藏在細節裡微小卻不簡單的事。創作方式主要以電繪為主,表現較具現代感、簡潔的風格,但同時也會運用手繪的隨性線條質感來做速寫和創作。作品主題包含各種不同的領域,並藉由插畫從不同的視角切入。作品包含編輯插畫、商業合作以及繪本書籍,作品曾刊等於Lonly planet 孤獨星球、Dpi插畫誌。客戶包含World of Interior 雜誌、英國皇家舞蹈學院、聯合文學、La Vie、星巴克咖啡星聞以及與 Christian Louboutin合作工作坊。

Get in touch!

For commissions, general enquiries or for a chat iamtangwenching@gmail.com